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Dancing Lion Competition @ MPT
Published on: 2017-02-08
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001An offbeat Lion Dancing competition was held in Metropolitan Plaza Tianjin (MPT) during February 1st and 2nd (the 5th and 6th days of the Chinese New Year), to promote traditional Chinese folk art and enrich the atmosphere of the Chinese New Year for Tianjiners. Led by leaders of Hutchison Whampoa Property Limited and their business fellows, eight Southern Dancing Lions beat the drums with expertise skills to celebrate the Chinese New Year and prayed for blessings, sending their best hope for Tianjiners in the Year of Rooster!


Competing for the "Lion King", they danced in a rainbow-rising momentum, as good luck coming for the Year of Rooster
MPT狮王争霸 气势如虹 鸡年大旺

MPT Lion Dance Competition was opened with beating drums and gongs. Eight "lions" forming four teams, namely Gold, Yellow, White, and Red, gathered at the square of MPT, and they will compete against each other in their Southern Lion Dancing feat. The four teams showed their spectacular dancing feat in amazing departments of the game, including Picking the Fruits, Greens and Red Envelopes (jin yu man tang), Lion Jumping Across the Dragon Gate (shi yue long men), Lion Rising (bu bu gao sheng), and Lion Conquering the Plum Flower Piles (mei hua zhuang chuang xiong feng), exerting themselves for the championship of "the Southern Lion King". The "lions" sent constant climaxes to entertain the audience. The Lions'€™ springing to their feet to pick the greens (cai qing) hanged on 6-meter-high stilts and rising up on the Plum Flower Piles took spectators'€™ breaths away and gutted their eyes. As the successor of Guangdong Lion Dancing, Master Zhao Weibin, the general coach of Guangzhou Workers'€™ Lion Dancing Association, was specially invited to be the judge of this game, which made the competition more authoritative and credible. Master Zhao, with his expertise opinion, judged that the reputation of "Southern Lion King" of MPT Lion Dance Competition belongs to the Red team, pushing the game to a new high. The Gold team won the Audience'€™s Choice Award with the highest vote. Lions vied, presenting the vigor of kings. You can see it all at MPT.
MPT狮王争霸赛在震天的锣鼓声中拉开序幕, 本次比赛共有金、黄、白、红四队8头雄狮齐聚MPT户外广场,比拼切磋醒狮技艺。比赛环节通过金玉满堂、狮跃龙门、步步高升、梅花桩闯雄峰等精彩的表演项目施展各自绝技,全力争夺"南狮王"桂冠。整场比赛,高潮迭起,6米高杆采青,一跃而上,梅花桩腾空而起,让现场观众大饱眼福,叹为观止。为了使此次比赛更具权威性及公信力,MPT天津世纪都会狮王争霸赛还特别邀请到"广东醒狮"传承人,广州工人醒狮协会总教练赵伟斌师傅担任大赛评委。赵师傅把比赛推上最高潮,凭着其专业评审意见,最终选出红狮队赢得"MPT天津世纪都会狮王争霸"的"南狮王"美誉!而现场观众支持率最高的金狮队获得本场"我最喜爱的狮王"美誉。雄狮腾跃,舍我其谁,王者气势, 尽在MPT。

MPT leads the trend of cultural creativity, and Dancing Lions celebrate the Spring Festival
MPT引领文化创意 醒狮派对贺新春

After the intense "Lion King" competition, eight "lions" danced energetically in Gangnam Style with the audience who laughed loudly at the same time. The show creatively invigorated the atmosphere and melted the tradition and fashion. Dancing Lion is also the symbol of good luck and flourishing to business. Picking the greens, which are lettuce (sheng cai), means having the knack of making money (sheng cai you dao) and profits pouring in from all sides (cai yuan gun gun). The Dancing Lions visited shops nearby, bringing luck and happiness to the audience as well as the customers.

Come to Nanjing Road and Enjoy LOHAS (Lifestyles of Health and Sustainability) at MPT

MPT, the very only shopping mall located on Nanjing Road business circle, is dedicated to building itself a LOHAS paradise of creations, fashion, food, and recreational activities like watching movies! Constant sales promotions and gifts giving away at MPT will ignite your spirit for shopping and relaxation and illuminate your way to LOHAS!


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