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MARKETING: Your Email Marketing Success
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Your Email Marketing Success
By Anne Shore

BT 201803 Marketing 06 编辑      电子邮件营销EDM,即Email Direct Marketing的缩写,是一个广泛的定义——凡是给潜在客户或者是客户发送电子邮件都可以被看做是电子邮件营销。然而电子邮件营销这个术语也通常涉及到以下几个方面:以加强与商人和目标客户的合作关系为目的发送邮件,从而鼓励客户忠实于他或者重复交易;以获得新客户和使老客户立即重复购买为目的发送邮件;在发送给自己客户的邮件中添加其它公司或者本公司的广告;通过互联网发送电子邮件是在用户事先许可的前提下,通过电子邮件的方式向目标用户传递价值信息的一种网络营销手段。电子邮件营销是利用电子邮件与受众客户进行商业交流的一种直销方式。同时也广泛的应用于网络营销领域。电子邮件营销是网络营销手法中最古老的一种,可以说电子邮件营销比绝大部分网站推广和网络营销手法都要老。



email marketing process1 1024x420Email Marketing is the most cost-effective and influential way of boosting your revenue. Designing email campaigns demand a lot of time and effort and all of this will make good only when the email conversion rates and your subscribers’ score shoots up.

Let’s face it, every email in the inbox holds attention for fraction of a second, which is exactly why every email must be formatted potentially, such that it holds value to your customers.

This particular article aims to cover significant notions on how to achieve success with email marketing and your brand’s digital growth.

How to Track your Email Marketing Success

You must be familiar with certain key metrics derived in Email Marketing. But the crucial part is how you make the most out of those metrics.

• Size of the list:
If your email list size is huge, you will somehow be driven away from your target audience (loyal customers). That is because many marketers make the mistake of sending the same email to a huge number of subscribers, not considering whether the content is relevant to each and every person or not.

On the contrary, if your email list is smaller, you will be more focused towards building high-quality content, interesting subject lines, catchy graphics and personalized content. All of these steps will eventually result in high email open rates and audience engagement.

• Delivered Rate:
Next crucial factor of email marketing metrics is ‘Deliverability’ of your emails. Number of emails that were truly delivered to the recipients measures your ‘Delivered Rate’. With the help of this metric, you will come to know of useless or bad addresses, so you will have more potent list. Delivered Rate also reflects the relationship of your domain with spam filters.

• Open Rate:
Email Open Rate is the first step towards the success of your email campaign. By monitoring this metric, you will get an idea of how strong your campaign is and also your shortcomings. Low-quality subject lines and improper time of sending emails are two main culprits of decreased Open rate.

BT 201803 Marketing 05• Click-Through Rate (CTR): How many recipients actually clicked the link in your email tells a lot about the quality of content included and its potentiality. Most of the analysis will depend solely on this metric. Higher the click-through rate, higher will be the revenue.

High-quality crisp content, catchy graphics, and precise call-to-action will boost CTR.

how to calculate email click through rate• Conversion rate on landing pages: The master of email marketing success is ‘Conversion Rate’ as it is directly related to sales. It is the rate that shows how many visitors of landing pages actually signed up or made a transaction on the given website. Conversion rate reflects on how many leads and clients you generated through your email campaign. In a nutshell, it measures your campaign’s overall success or failure.

Your landing page must be in accordance with the content of your email promotion. For example, if your email contains some offer, the landing page must direct the recipient to the offer page and not to the homepage or elsewhere, wherein they might just leave the website.

• Churn rate:
Last but most influential metric of email marketing success is the Churn rate. This number tells how many recipients unsubscribed or issued spam complaints regarding your emails.

Higher churn rate signifies that your content is just not relevant or appealing to the viewers. Moreover, your reputation as a sender is also at stake. The frequency of your emails and the content quality should be your two main concerns here.

If a particular email campaign caused a huge drop in your subscribers’ rate, you know that your content or design was just irrelevant to the recipients.

Monitoring these metrics of every email is a different thing and comparing all of these metrics of previous and latest emails is another.

Consistently keep a check on the history of these metrics over a period of month to track audience engagement and your brand’s progress. You will also come to know which segment needs to be improved and what is actually being liked by the recipients.

BT 201803 Marketing 01Growth of Email List

If you are a marketer, you will know how tedious it is to come up with new innovative campaigns so as to connect with your audience better. The goal here is not only to get new recipients to the list but also keep them interested and engaged throughout.

High-quality content that actually holds some value to your customers is the key to higher engagement. Apart from this, other tactics entail coming up with exciting offers, interesting news, personalized products and services, so on.

Keys to improve Quality of Email Campaigns

BT 201803 Marketing 041. Segmenting your Campaign:
Segmentation of email campaign simply means separating your subscribers based on distinct factors like active, inactive, age, transaction history, gender, browsing history, etc.

2. Personalized emails:
After segmenting your email list, now you can send personalized content that is interactive and influencing. This can be done by retargeting customers by providing similar options which they have browsed or adding the first name on the subject line and so on.

3. Trial and Error method:
Improve the KPIs by using trial and error method. One example of this method is by testing of subject lines. Design emails with 2 different subject lines and send those emails to a specific group of active recipients. Figure out what are the highest performing emails and then send those to other participants.

The same procedure can be done to test your content, graphics, call to action, etc.

4. Mobile Optimization: Design of your email promotions needs to be responsive. It is quite obvious, most of the emails today are opened on smartphones or tablets.

A non-responsive page is just going to spike up your unsubscribe/spam rates and refrain recipients from communicating with your brand. Mobile Optimization and user-friendly interface must be the main focus of marketers.

Final Words

Each business needs to focus on personalized data and providing relevant offers to your customers. A brand that wants to be in the limelight within short time-span will primarily focus on the growth of email list, whereas an ecommerce business will care about the increase in conversion rates. Ponder upon metrics that are most important for your business and strive to improve them month after month.

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