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HR: 5 Main Reasons Why your Employees Want To Leave
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5 Main Reasons Why your Employees Want To Leave
By Besty Taylor

BT 201808 HR 01“得十良马,不如得一伯乐”——小到团队,大到公司,人力资源一直是集体发展的命脉所在。而员工的离职和反复招聘,又会导致巨大的人力、物力以及资源的浪费,留住经验丰富又熟悉公司业务的优秀老员工对公司而言是非常重要的。他们不仅拥有了过硬的技术与能力,而且和团队也有较好的磨合,无论从哪个方面来看,老员工都是公司的宝贵财富。但是,每个企业都会遇到人员更迭“留不住人才”的烦恼,那么优秀员工又是为什么要离开你的企业呢?本期HR我们就来聊一聊员工离职的共性因素。



Retaining your employees is as crucial as attracting new ones as job-hopping works out to be very costly for the employer. Hence, it is vital for the employer to be in touch with employees and understand why their staff must stay and, for the quitter, why they quit.

Below are the top and most common 5 reasons why your employees want to leave and how, being an employer, you can improve this scenario.

1. Low Compensations
Money is what everyone works for! Everyone wants to get paid what they actually deserve, and when an employee finds out that they are not getting what people with same caliber and designation are getting, they feel quite undervalued and prefer quitting the job.

Being an employer, if you intend to retain your workers who are getting lower compensation than what is being offered in the market, you either should have renowned brand recognition or an amazing company culture to not make your employees leave you. Otherwise, sooner or later, your employees will make a switch by finding an opportunity that comes with high compensation and superior company culture, and they will quit right away.

2. No Career Growth and Advancement Opportunities
Dynamic employees are always looking for new and better opportunities that help them enhance their skills so that they can move up the career ladder efficiently. Employees belonging to the Generation Y and Z want their employers to provide them with viable training sessions or rotational programs within routine work so as to help the employees improve themselves. Therefore, if an employee feels that his/her work has become monotonous or the managers do not give any importance to their progress, and there are no career advancement opportunities available for them with the same job, they certainly are going to quit.

Being an employer, it is imperative for you to set up a constant dialogue with your workers to ensure that they are contented and satisfied, and that you have already created an achievable path for them within the company.

3. Relationship With Managers and Co-workers
Employees do not really leave their companies - they leave their co-workers and managers actually. If an employee is facing any issues with the manager they report to, then it is very likely that they will quit the job very soon. Furthermore, if an employee does not have any friends at the workplace with whom they could go to lunch with or chit-chat, this definitely indicates that the particular employee is not very happy with their job and may soon leave the job.

4. Job Security and Company’s Stability
Your company may have its ups and downs but if there any a continuous turnover with employees, your stable workers perhaps would start to feel uneasy about their future in the company. No one prefers working in an environment in which their future is unclear. It is vital for employers to demonstrate growth and stability to their employees. This is a tough situation to get through. Being an employer, you have to make certain that your workers, their benefits, salaries, and culture remains steady and stable, so that your workers feel that your company is a place they can build their future with and be stable with their careers.

One approach they can adopt to do this is by sharing financial reports with employees quarterly and keep them informed about how the company is progressing via monthly newsletters. This is a crucial aspect which should be kept transparent for the employees so that they can feel secure about their jobs. Moreover, if the company progresses, it should be shown to the employees, as it helps boost their morale and make them aware that their hard work actually pays in form of the company being profiting.

5. Pursue Other Amazing Opportunities
Oftentimes your employees leave the job just because they want to pursue better working and career opportunities. They perhaps would like to make a career switch or prefer enrolling in a graduate school to excel in an academic career, or they might have started out as an entrepreneur. Hence, no matter what you do, sometimes it is just not possible for you as an employer to prevent your employees from leaving the job as they have their personal objectives or life events that they are interested in pursuing.

What You Must Do To Retain Your Employees

It is imperative to note that the aforementioned 5 reasons are not the sole grounds as to why your employees want to leave, but more often than not, one of these reasons do play a major role in their decision to quit. If you are not able to appreciate them in terms of their salary, opportunities, and independence, you will more often than not retain workers that you have lost to in the past.

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