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MARKETING: Forget the 4P’s and Welcome the 4E’s of Marketing
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Forget the 4P’s and Welcome the 4E’s of Marketing
By Andy Marsh

BT 201910 MARKETING 02The marketing world is changing. While most of us grew up with the 4P’s of marketing - product, price, place, and promotion - they are now old news, and it is the era of the 4E’s - experience, exchange, everyplace and evangelism¬ - of marketing.

Previously, the environment was different as marketers were sovereign, product differences lasted long, and the audiences were large, and an extensive media campaign was enough to get to them. However, the current market has fragmented audiences, product differences last a few seconds, and the customers are in control.

If the market were as it was before, the 4P’s would be reigning supreme. However, it has changed, and marketers have to embrace the 4E’s.

BT 201910 MARKETING 06上个世纪60年代,美国营销学教授麦卡锡提出了著名的4P营销组合策略, 即产品(Product)、价格(Price)、场所/渠道(Place)和促销(Promotion),对市场营销理论和实践产生了深刻的影响,被营销经理们奉为营销理论中的经典。



No.1 Product to Experience

Traditional marketing advises us to focus on product features. It recommends finding one consumer benefit and promoting it repeatedly to the target audience.

This tactic would have worked in the past as product differences lasted for years. However, you will be lucky to get a product difference advantage of more than six months. Product differences only last for a few weeks in the financial sector and a matter of minutes in e-commerce.

In a world, where it is increasingly difficult to differentiate your product, we recommend you focus on customer experience. Start by discovering the customer journey; how, when, and where they shop, the influencers, and even what happens after they buy. Then focus on a pain point in the customer journey and solve that.

Improving customer experience increases loyalty and repeat sales.

BT 201910 MARKETING 041. 体验


No.2 Place to Everyplace

Owing to limited options, retail was the only place customers could access products. However, customers can now create their paths to purchase. It can be in store or online. It can be on social media or an online store. It can be via phone or a laptop. It is now upon customers to embrace the concept of everyplace over a place.

To be effective, you have to intercept - instead of interrupting - people when they are receptive to engaging with you and your product.

However, this strategy can be the typical case of the snake biting its tail. Though e-commerce is growing, it only accounts for about 10% of sales, while retail sales account for about 90%. Therefore, everyplace does not have to be online, and it can be improving face to face and customer to customer experience.

Nevertheless, here is an infographic that can help you drive more sales through your online channels. Solving these pain points will improve your everyplace strategy drastically.

BT 201910 MARKETING 032. 无所不在


No.3 Price to Exchange

Price was as simple as giving a product for the money. Marketers and retailers, therefore, focused on keeping the price down, so they can be competitive. However, this is a race to the bottom, and price takes a back seat when dealing with high potential customers. Therefore, to attract high-value customers, it’s time that marketers focus on exchange over amount.

Exchange involves being aware of the value of things and using this as the unique selling point. Marketers have to know what could drive customers to give them attention and even permission, which are a premium now. It could be anything from respecting the customer’s time, a pay-it-forward gift, or a simple thank you making the customer feel appreciated.

BT 201910 MARKETING 073. 花费


No.4 Promotion to Evangelism

Finally, it is time that marketers focus on evangelism over product promotion. Though repeatedly promoting a product to your target audience was effective, evangelism has emerged as a more powerful and affordable way to drive sales.

Evangelism marries the oldest form of persuasion word of mouth, which drives 13% of sales with its newest, which is social networking. However, 2/3 of word of mouth is still person to person, and thus you should focus on improving the customer experience.

You should craft a mission statement that elicits emotion, and passion and ensure it relates to your target audience. By finding energy and passion in what you are selling, potential customers will plug in, become emotionally invested, and eventually, brand ambassadors (evangelists).

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The 4P’s have been instrumental in business growth, but it is about time that retailers and marketers evolve. Embracing the 4E’s, experience, exchange, evangelism, and everyplace puts you and your business in a better place for success.


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