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TAX & FINANCE: Striking back against the outbreak of COVID-19
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Striking back against the outbreak of COVID-19
A series of fiscal and taxation policies to prevent and control the epidemic were released


By Kelvin Lee, PwC

BT 202005 FINANCE 05In response to the severe epidemic situation of the novel coronavirus pneumonia (COVID-19), Chinese governments at all levels rapidly issued several policies to control the epidemic and support the economy. On February 5, the executive meeting of the State Council decided to launch a series of fiscal and taxation policies in addition to the previously introduced measures, to ensure that there are sufficient supplies for the epidemic prevention and control work, effective from 1 January 2020.


BT 202005 FINANCE 04On February 7, the Ministry of Finance (MOF) issued four policies jointly with other departments:


• Public Notice Jointly Issued by the MOF and State Taxation Administration (STA) Regarding Tax Policies to Prevent and Control the Outbreak of COVID-19 (the MOF and STA Public Notice [2020] No. 8)

• 财政部ã€ç¨ŽåŠ¡æ€»å±€å…³äºŽæ”¯æŒæ–°åž‹å† çŠ¶ç—…毒感染的肺炎疫情防控有关税收政策的公告(财政部ã€ç¨ŽåŠ¡æ€»å±€å…¬å‘Š[2020]8å·ï¼‰

• Public Notice Jointly Issued by the MOF and STA Regarding Tax Policies for Donations to Prevent and Control the Outbreak of COVID-19 (the MOF and STA Public Notice [2020] No. 9)

• 财政部ã€ç¨ŽåŠ¡æ€»å±€å…³äºŽæ”¯æŒæ–°åž‹å† çŠ¶ç—…毒感染的肺炎疫情防控有关æ赠税收政策的公告(财政部ã€ç¨ŽåŠ¡æ€»å±€å…¬å‘Š[2020]9å·ï¼‰

• Public Notice Jointly Issued by the MOF and STA Regarding Individual Income Tax Policies to Prevent and Control the Outbreak of COVID-19 (the MOF and STA Public Notice [2020] No. 10)

• 财政部ã€ç¨ŽåŠ¡æ€»å±€å…³äºŽæ”¯æŒæ–°åž‹å† çŠ¶ç—…毒感染的肺炎疫情防控有关个人所得税政策的公告(财政部ã€ç¨ŽåŠ¡æ€»å±€å…¬å‘Š[2020]10å·ï¼‰

• Public Notice Jointly Issued by the MOF and the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) Regarding the Exemption of Certain Administrative Fees and Government-managed Funds (the MOF and NDRC Public Notice [2020] No. 11)

• 财政部ã€å›½å®¶å‘展改é©å§”关于新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎疫情防控期间å…å¾éƒ¨åˆ†è¡Œæ”¿äº‹ä¸šæ€§æ”¶è´¹å’Œæ”¿åºœæ€§åŸºé‡‘的公告(财政部ã€å›½å®¶å‘展改é©å§”公告[2020]11å·ï¼‰

BT 202005 FINANCE 03The policies focus on manufacturers of epidemic prevention and control supplies, relevant transportation companies and medical companies, etc., and aim at lowering the production and operation cost for the relevant enterprises, energising the expansion of supply of epidemic prevention materials, and medical and pharmaceutical supplies. We will share with you the key points of these tax policies and our insights.


In the table below, we summarised the relevant tax policies (MOF and STA Public Notice [2020] No. 8, 9 and 10) and insights for your reference.


BT 202005 29BT 202005 30BT 202005 31BT 202005 32The takeaway


In the process of implementing the above policies, we expect relevant authorities to define the list of "enterprises producing key anti-epidemic supplies" and the specific scope of "key anti-epidemic supplies" as soon as possible. In accordance with the Urgent Circular on Strengthening the Funding Support for Enterprises Producing Key Anti-Epidemic Supplies (Cai Jin [2020] No. 5) issued in the evening of 7 February jointly by the MOF, NDRC, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, People's Bank of China, and the National Audit Office, provincial authorities can issue the list of local qualified enterprises on their own. It is recommended that the process for enterprises' independent application should be implemented as soon as possible, as well as allow special process in case of emergency. In addition, we also suggest that relevant local government departments and tax authorities should actively publicise and promote the aforementioned policies and implementation measures to taxpayers through online channels.


In order to ensure that enterprises can enjoy these policies, relevant enterprises need to review the completeness of their financial accounting and tax compliance. Take excess input VAT refund as an example, on the one hand, enterprises should prove their qualification of "enterprises producing key anti-epidemic supplies" with well-prepared documents; on the other hand, enterprises must pay attention to the accuracy of their accounting of input and output VAT, including the accuracy of the recognition of taxable income and the appropriateness of the historical taxable income, to accurately calculate the amount of tax refund and communicate tax refund affairs with the in-charge tax authorities as soon as possible. For the exemption policy with industry restrictions, enterprises should pay attention to whether their main operations fall within the exemption scope. Enterprises and individuals that have donated goods should pay attention to the keeping and submission of purchasing invoices, so that charitable social organisations and hospitals can determine the value of donated goods according to the invoices and issue donation receipts or donation acceptance letters.

为确ä¿ä¼ä¸šå®žå®žåœ¨åœ¨äº«å—到这些政策,相关ä¼ä¸šéœ€å®¡æŸ¥è‡ªèº«è´¢åŠ¡æ ¸ç®—的完备性和税务申报的åˆè§„性,例如对于留抵退税政策,一方é¢ï¼Œç›¸å…³ä¼ä¸šéœ€è¦å‡†å¤‡å¥½æ料,以è¯æ˜Žç¬¦åˆâ€œç–«æƒ…防控é‡ç‚¹ä¿éšœç‰©èµ„生产ä¼ä¸šâ€èµ„格;å¦ä¸€æ–¹é¢ï¼Œä¼ä¸šåº”注æ„对于进项销项的核算准确性,包括应税收入确认的准确程度和历å²åº”税收入数é¢çš„åˆç†æ€§ï¼Œä»¥å‡†ç¡®è®¡ç®—退税金é¢ï¼Œå°½å¿«å’Œç¨ŽåŠ¡æœºå…³æ²Ÿé€šé€€ç¨Žäº‹å®œã€‚对于有行业é™åˆ¶çš„å…税政策,ä¼ä¸šéœ€æ³¨æ„判断自己的主è¥ä¸šåŠ¡ç±»åž‹æ˜¯å¦åœ¨æ”¿ç­–的范围内。æ赠了物资的ä¼ä¸šå’Œä¸ªäººï¼Œéœ€æ³¨æ„ä¿å­˜å¹¶æ交购买物资的采购å‘票,以便公益性社会组织和医院ä¾æ®é‡‡è´­å‘票确定å—赠物资价值并开具æ赠票æ®æˆ–æ赠接收函。

In addition, to address the epidemic outbreak and its economic impact, we also expect authorities at all levels to continue to provide a larger scale of fiscal and taxation support to industries greatly affected by the epidemic (including but not limited to transportation, catering, accommodation, tourism, apparel retailing and other industries) and other enterprises that are not able to resume operation in time or in full capacity. At present, commonly concerned issues include: exemption and relief of Real Estate Tax and Urban Land Use Tax for trouble enterprises; considering the feasibility to lower the social security contribution rate by stages in addition to the delay of payment of enterprises' social security contribution; strengthening tax support for small and micro enterprises; increasing the deduction of R&D expenses related to epidemic in medical institutions and scientific research institutions by stages; granting the same excess input VAT refund policy to other R&D enterprises related to epidemic prevention and other enterprises greatly affected by epidemic. PwC will follow up on the financial and taxation policies relating to the prevention and control of epidemic, and share with you timely.

在上述政策之外,é¢å¯¹æ­¤æ¬¡ç–«æƒ…åŠå…¶ç»æµŽå½±å“,我们也期望å„级财税部门åŽç»­ç»§ç»­å¯¹å—疫情影å“特别é‡å¤§çš„行业(包括且ä¸é™äºŽäº¤é€šè¿è¾“ã€é¤é¥®ã€ä½å®¿ã€æ—…游ã€æœè£…零售等诸多行业)ä¼ä¸šå’Œå…¶ä»–未能åŠæ—¶å……分å¤å·¥å¤äº§çš„ä¼ä¸šæ供更大程度的财税支æ´ã€‚ç›®å‰ä¸šå†…集中关注的方é¢ä¸»è¦åŒ…括:对房产税和城镇土地使用税实行困难å‡å…;在缓交ä¼ä¸šç¤¾ä¿çš„基础上考虑继续阶段性é™ä½Žç¤¾ä¿è´¹çŽ‡ï¼›åŠ å¤§å¯¹å°å¾®ä¼ä¸šçš„税收扶æŒåŠ›åº¦ï¼›é˜¶æ®µæ€§æå‡åŒ»ç–—机构ã€ç§‘研机构å‘生的与疫情相关的研å‘费用扣除比例;除“疫情防控é‡ç‚¹ä¿éšœç‰©èµ„生产ä¼ä¸šâ€ä¹‹å¤–,对其他防疫相关的研å‘ä¼ä¸šã€å—疫情影å“é‡å¤§çš„行业ä¼ä¸šåŒæ ·å…许享å—增值税增é‡ç•™æŠµé€€ç¨Žæ”¿ç­–等。普åŽæ°¸é“也将æŒç»­å…³æ³¨ç–«æƒ…防控相关的财税政策,并åŠæ—¶ä¸Žæ‚¨åˆ†äº«ã€‚

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