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Tips you should pay attention to before nucleic acid testing
Published on: 2021-08-16
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Requirement and measures have been issued in China to strengthen nucleic acid testing amid a resurgence of COVID-19 in multiple localities.

Before testing, you should pay attention to the following tips:

1. Bring your ID Card or passport to the testing point;

2. To avoid affecting the results, do not smoke, drink or chew gum 30 minutes before sampling;

3. While waiting in line for the test, you should wear a mask all the time;

4. Please show the health codeof your city and itinerary during the test, keep a distance of more than 1 meter with others, and do not gather or talk with other people.

5. When sampling the throat swab, you can tilt your head back, relax as much as possible, take a deep breath, and open your mouth to make an "ah" sound to fully expose the throat.

When taking nasal swab sampling, prepare handkerchief in advance, relax, put your head back for 70 degrees, and take a deep breath. Nasal swab sampling is not suitable for people with rhinitis, turbinate hypertrophy, or nasal septum deviation.

6. If you have received the COVID-19 vaccine (both for the first and the second dose) on that day, they are suggested to take nucleic acid test after 24 hours.




1. 前往核酸检测点采样检测,首先带好个人有效证件;

2. 注意采样前30分钟不应吸烟、喝酒、咀嚼口香糖等;

3. 检测时检测者需要正确佩戴口罩,检测前取下口罩,检测后立即戴好;等待检测时,请注意全程佩戴口罩;

4. 与他人保持1米以上间距,不交谈,不聚集,听从现场工作人员指引,有序完成扫码、登记、采样等工作流程;

5. 如果是鼻咽拭子采集,可能出现少量鼻腔出血,一般不需要特殊处理,如出血量较多请及时到医院进行处理;

7. 如果当天接种新冠病毒疫苗,那么24小时后方可进行核酸检测。

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