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Beijing Cracks Down on Fake Divorce with New Housing Policy
Published on: 2021-08-10
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Authorities in Beijing have introduced rules to stop couples from faking their divorces to be able to buy more homes in China’s capital.

Up until now, the city allowed married couples with a Beijing hukou – China’s household registration – to buy two flats in the city. Those without a Beijing hukou as well as singles could buy only one flat. So some couples were getting divorced on paper to be able to buy another property. The new rules, which came into effect on Thursday, are designed to stop this practice.

Now, anyone with a Beijing hukou who is divorced but owned two properties while they were married cannot buy another home in Beijing for three years, according to a notice issued by the Beijing Municipal Commission of Housing and Urban-rural Development late on Thursday. Those without a Beijing hukou, who owned one home during their marriage, will also be barred from buying another home.

The crackdown on fake divorces is just the latest measure adopted by China to cool its red-hot property market over the years. The central government has vowed to address what it sees as “prominent housing issues” in China’s large cities, and to address housing difficulties faced especially by its new urban residents and young people.

In January this year, the Shanghai Housing Bureau said divorced homebuyers will no longer be considered first-time buyers, for a period of three years, if they owned a property during their marriage. This means such buyers will need to put up more money up front to buy a home in China’s financial capital. They will not enjoy the higher mortgage allowances reserved for first-time buyers.


8月5日,市住建委发布《关于进一步完善商品住房限购政策的公告》,明确夫妻离异的,若原家庭在离异前已拥有2套及以上住房,自离异之日起3年内,任何一方均不得在本市购房。新规自5日起执行。北京市住建委通过微信公众号 " 安居北京 " 发布公告并称,今年上半年,受需求释放、" 学区房 "、违规资金流入等因素叠加影响,北京市二手房成交过热,价格上涨。为落实 " 房子是用来住的、不是用来炒的 " 的定位,北京市保持从严调控的政治定力,着力 " 打补丁 "" 堵漏洞 ",进一步完善北京市房地产市场调控长效机制,促进市场平稳健康发展。经北京市政府同意,北京市住建委印发了《关于进一步完善商品住房限购政策的公告》。北京市住建委相关负责人表示,此次出台的新规,旨在遏制 " 假离婚 " 购房,也是落实中央关于加快发展保障性租赁住房和进一步做好房地产市场调控工作会议的精神,保持调控定力不动摇。该负责人介绍说,《公告》自 8 月 5 日起实施,在《公告》发布前提交离婚申请,尚未正式办理离婚登记的,离婚后仍然按照原先的政策执行。今年以来,北京的住房市场非常火爆。统计显示,上周(7月26日—8月1日)北京市商品房成交1960套,环比上涨10%;成交面积23.76万㎡,环比下降3%;成交均价49445元/㎡,环比上涨23%;成交金额117.47亿元,环比上涨19%。

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